published via web 2.0 at London indymedia quarters:
Today societies have diverse invariant relicts, preventing their evolution towards objectives widely consensual. These areas are as anquilosed, parallised, cancerated organs, within a living organism we call cities, countries, and/or civilizations. Western civilizations actualy are in a inferiority position in relation to countries less abducted by the catholic idolatry process, that along history has reached many areas of our everyday life, in spite of the supossed a-confesionality, of our supossed democracies. In this process of bio-cultural reproduction of bipolar abduction, the conventional, one-way, 1.0, model of education centers plays an ineludible role. People sit and attending towards a perpendicular, plane wall (planiland). The same bipolar "text" is found in motorways, and in classical, one-way, 1.0, books or writings. Last ones are in a intense metamorphosis process, by hypertext and all the wellcoming parafernalia existing in the Web 2.0. But the other to axis of bipolar abduction are still in a paradoxical shock, without evolving with a comparable speed. We speak here of mass media too, where the same 1.0 abduction is still very present...
Common Language have the instintive power to reach the greatest audience. The quick recent development of the integration process in Science has affected to scientific language too. Integration process in Science is better aproached when you subject put yourself from the advantage point of "Global Science". Global Science can be instintively seen as the network resulting from the integration, in any area of knowledge, covering, thus, all the possible generated knowledge. In this sense we are talking about the book of life, or of the akasik records, or the Universal "U" set. From the materialistic (from matter, mater) point of view, Sensosphere is a good meme for covering, instinctively, the same arena, with the great advantage that, as we are speaking of the world of sensations, its relations with common language is empowering, as the world of sensations is to common language as all the new (two millenia) abstract, scientific language, is to common language.
Common language is, thus, the best and eficient connector to move yourself within Global Science. For Digital Natives no problem of comprehension at all. These reflections longly expressed in the guay gueby gueb, are intended mainly for Digital Inmigrants, as Myself, also intended, thus, as a bridge, very wide bridge, to reconnect these two "lost" generations. Lost in the sense of pragmatical incommunication.
Abduction is (the basis of) creativity. Abduction, in the Peirce sense, is a circle where rays, of diferent colors and intensity, are going in a fuzzy sistole-diastole cycling (espiral), from the center of the circle towards the circunsference. Abduction, in a bipolar sense, is a circle where only onle line is in that process. Onle line going from "six" to "twelve". Onle line with only two colours: black and white. White is from the center of the circle towards "twelve". Black from the center of the circle towards "six". The world is thus divided by dichotomies. The physical world too. The south don't exist at all. It is within Junguian "Unconscious". Just because it is not existent in everyday language, or at least in mass media. The same horizontal (abciss) line mark our mental south-north barrier, as in the map if you see to the line in the straight of gibraltar. As the mass media dedicate very much more images and information for USA than for Maroc, Maroc, for neighbour andalusian people, keep in the hidden curriculum. Maroc as a representative southern country, where each day their citizens are using solutions coevolved during many generations, and that are not been abandoned by the bipolar abduction of Progress ideology. Jasmine Revolutions are the fruit of internet too, connecting instantaneously among all the (islamic) world any information, that in old times were chirurgicaly administered by the so-controlled bipolar mass media.
Converted to hiden curriculum all the arsenal of information generated and keeped in southern countries, the dreams of formal managers of the future of northern countries were narrowly selected among all the possible alternatives, just because all the alternatives from southern countries were a priori, neglected.
Converted to hidden curriculum was also all the information coming from our own history, just because some half century ago the cities of europe were also plenty of people freely developping what today the laws of european countries consider ilegal, or "informal economy".
The recent "unipersonal" polarization of islamic revolutions is a very good example of bipolar abduction. Gadafi represent the recent best example for calculating our abdequeing democracy index. If public workers in public mass media show their consent to the actual dominance, in time of emission, of the figure of one homo sapiens individual, as scapegoat, they are showing an infinitesinal value of democracy, if we sume-up all the days from 23 February. In fact "23F-syndrome" could be a good name for that, just because mass media show the same solipsism that spanish mass media in the night of "23F". Representationism cannot justify that sensorial, bipolar, abductive, sensorial bombing of citizens, if they supossedly are in a democratic society.
Many northern cities are military occupied, by private cars. "SUR" Málaga Newspaper called them "invaders", years ago, by the same "Manuel X." writer writing today last page column. e can imagine any colonial country, or France occupied by nazies. A global destrction army us paradoxicaly reducing all of our abilities for living, in our cities. In the meanwhile there are many cities where people win this battle over the private cars. It us supossed that our rights as UE citizens would be the same. But there are two kind of cities in Europe. Cities in continuous emergence situation, by the invasion of private cars, and the car-free cities.
Abduction is closely related with diversity. The same low levels of abdequeing we find, for example, in transport advertisements. Populiticians say they are pulling bikes in next future, but until recently, the advertisements of cars overlapped in density by many times, other ads on bikes, or buses, or trains.
Maybe traffic jams represent the main informative Aquiles Scheel to dismantling urgently the norhern dependence and or adiction, towards a surplus of oil compsuption that never has the consequence of a better life for us. Children in London seeing the high index of traffic jams may call alould to their parents: But Mommy, were we living in a "fifth world"? Traffic jams graphics of "google-earth" type would allow a quicker evolution towards cities were these same chldren denouncing aloud the actual "subdevelopment" situation, will live in better cities, not militarised for the sake of some ones, helped by an old abduction 1.0 technology..
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